Monday, November 3, 2014

I Do! I Do!

"I Love My Wife!" is something you see a lot on mugs or tee shirts, but did you know that the saying gained its popularity from the musical, "I Do! I Do!" in 1966?

Directed by Gower Champion, produced by David Merrick, and musically directed by Harvey Schmidt, the musical was the first Broadway musical to have a cast of only two people. Mary Martin and Robert Preston starred in the production and critics say that it was a brilliant casting decision.

The show begins with Michael and Agnes on their wedding day. Their vows behind them, they look forward to spending the rest of their lives together. We watch as they go through their wedding night jitters, raise a family, and negotiate mid-life crises. Michael eventually admits to his infidelity, and although Agnes is angered by his actions, she forgives him and the couple reconciles. They re-discover how much they really need each other. Then, after 50 years of marriage, the couple leaves their house to the next pair of newlyweds. (See more at:

Songs from the show include: "I Love My Wife"; "My Cup Runneth Over" ; "Love Isn't Everything"; "Nobody's Perfect"; "The Honeymoon Is Over"; "Where Are the Snows?"; "When the Kids Get Married"; "Someone Needs
  Me"; "Roll Up the Ribbons"

 ( To the left are headshots of Mary Martin and Robert Preston)

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a live performance of the production. However, there is a video that has been linked on this post that is a recording of some of the music. Take a listen.

Until next week, theatre nerds!


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